Display Data example

After scanning the qrCode and obtain the response you can display the document data using the nameSpaces (key and value) like this example:

List {
    ForEach(documents, id: \.docType) { d in
        Section(header: Text(d.docType).font(.headline).lineLimit(1).minimumScaleFactor(0.3)) {
            let nameSpaces = d.items
            ForEach(Array(nameSpaces.keys), id: \.self) { ns in
                Section(header: Text(ns)) {
                    ForEach(nameSpaces[ns]!, id: \.identifier) { item in
                        VStack(alignment: .leading) {
                        }.padding(.horizontal).padding(.bottom, 0)

In summary, this code creates a list of items grouped by document type and namespace, with each item displayed as a pair of text views in a vertical stack.